EP 076: How We Overcome Self Doubt & The 6 Strategies We Use To Feel Confident

EP 074: Jill Coleman: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome & Scarcity Mindset

EP 066: Deconstructing A 6-Figure Online Coaching Business

EP 065: Breaking The Mold As A Personal Trainer & Online Coach

EP 064: Does Work Life Balance Exist? Or Is It An Illusion?

EP 062: Why $100,000 Of Debt Was The Best Decision We Made

Top 5 7-Figure Online Coaching Business Models

When it comes to online training and online coaching there are more than enough business models to keep your head spinning. I want to take a moment and share 5 business models with you that have the potential to create a 7-Figure business. But, more importantly I want to illustrate how most coaches are actually […]
Ep. 61 – How To Run A Free Or Paid Fitness Challenge
How To Run A Free Or Paid Fitness Challenge As An Online Coach

We know that fitness challenges are a major trend within the fitness industry. With any major trend comes plenty of pros and cons. While challenges are drawing a lot of people into getting started on their fitness journeys which is a major plus, they are often short-lived or motivating people for the wrong reasons and […]
Ep. 59 – Finding Your Purpose Through Power with Sam Davis